X-ray of the teeth


An OPG which stands for ORTHOPANTOGRAM, gives a panoramic view of the mandible and teeth. It is performed using a technique called "tomography". The X-ray tube moves around the head, the x-ray film moves in the opposite direction behind your head. This generates an image slice where the mandible and teeth are in focus, and the other structures are blurred.

There can be found caries under fillings or between the teeth, position and location of unerupted teeth (especially wisdom teeth). Dead teeth, any inflammation above the roots of teeth ("septic finding"), wrapped roots in bones and other foreign objects can be also diagnosed by OPG. We can determine the bone level which is an important factor in the diagnosis of periodontitis (see Periodontitis) and indication implants ( see Implants ) as well. In children, we can find out if all permanent teeth are based (successors milk teeth).


Standard "small" digital radiograph, made for detailed view of the required field. It is often used for endodontic treatment (see Root canal treatment) to determine the exact length and course of the root canal and control root filling.


BW – bite wing. It's a great help to detect cavities between the teeth and hidden cavities under fillings (see Dental caries). It is very detailed and precise. It´s done by using the special clip and only the crowns of upper and lower teeth are displayed on it, that means we can´t see the roots on this image.

All OPG, RVG, BW images are digital, X-ray radiation is captured by a sensitive sensor not ordinary film-sheet so that the radiation is greatly reduced.

  • Periodontal carePeriodontitis (frequently used term is also parodontopatia) is annoying chronic inflammatory periodontal disease... read more
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  • Dental Implants ... are replacements of the roots actually operated directly into the jawbone. They have the shape of the root (screws) and are made of titanium or titanium alloys ... read more