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About Us
Dr. Zeman´s Dental Office is located in the centre of Bratislava on Blumentálska street (close to church). Inside there is the team of professionals waiting for you. We work with the best dental technicians from Bratislava, Vienna and Budapest. Our dentists use stress-free methods and pay the special attention to each patient. Our dental office is well known due to their special access to children patients. Dentist Bratislava - use full service Dr. Zeman´s Dental Office (dental check-up, crowns, fillings, prosthodontics, periodontics, periodontal surgery, dental implants...). MUDr. Zeman has over 30 years long practice. In our office you´ll feel like home and you´ll be leaving with a beautiful smile.
MUDr. Vladimír Zeman
- Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry UK - 1978
- The 1.attestation (first postgraduate degree) - 1982
- The attestation in Prosthodontics - 1986
- The internship of subtropical and tropical medicine - 1987
- The head – senior doctor of Department of Stomatology ZP Istrochem - 1988
- The 2.attestation (second postgraduate degree) - 1989
- The working experience and practice in Tennessee and Missouri (USA) - 1990
- The internship in the military hospital of St. Louis (USA) Prax Branson MO and Springfield MO - 1992
- The establishment of the Dental private practice in Bratislava - 1993
- The mucogingival surgery - specialty certification - 2009
- plenty of courses and internships of various specialisations
The team of Professionals cares for you
- The head - MUDr. Vladimír Zeman - dentist
- Tajana Vybochová – dental hygiene, asiasistent
- Jelena Stojkovič – asistent, dental hygiene
- Martina Djordjevič - asistent
- Ing. Ivana Zemanová – office manager, receptionist
External specialist
- MUDr. Matúš Cinzer – Orthodontics
Zubná prax MUDr. Zemana
Dentist MUDr. Vladimír Zeman
- Blumentálska 4, 811 07 Bratislava
- Office hours: Mo-Fri 8:30 - 17:00
- Telephone/Fax: +421 2 55 57 50 23
- Mobile: +421 911 27 48 72
Zubná prax Dr. Zemana