Would you like to become the patient of Dr. Zeman´s Dental Office?

Entrance examination - initial diagnosis

Entrance examination is necessary to attend. Your dentist has to get know with the condition of your teeth. He will find what risks threaten your teeth, identify certain damages or anomalies or anything what can make you trouble by the time. After that you will become our registered patient and you´ll get the advantages and guarantee even from the law but also those which belong to our dental practice.

Entrance examination has a form of a short questionnaire. You will fill the base data about your health condition into this form. Some patients don´t understand, why we need these information. The human body is very difficult system, where everything can relate with everything, therefore even a small detail can influence your oral health.

The digital OPG image can be also done. The dental OPG machine allows a very detailed X-ray of your full jaw. Directly on this image can your dentist show you the problems, explain you potential risks and recommend the remedies. If necessary directly in the dental chair can be made a small detail RVG image for greater certainty in diagnosis. Finally your dentist prepares for you a comprehensive treatment plan.

  • Periodontal carePeriodontitis (frequently used term is also parodontopatia) is annoying chronic inflammatory periodontal disease... read more
  • Teeth whitening The teeth whitening works on the principle of breakdown karbamidperoxide, active molecules penetrate the enamel and crystals react with the pigments ... read more
  • Dental Implants ... are replacements of the roots actually operated directly into the jawbone. They have the shape of the root (screws) and are made of titanium or titanium alloys ... read more