Dental Implants
Implantology is actually a method of reconstruction defective set of teeth. The dental implant virtually replaces tooth root - either individually or in a bridge configuration. Reconstruction using dental implants provides the same comfort as the fixed teeth, eliminates problems such as
- Treatment of defects the set of teeth with cosmetics dentures (prostheses)
- Grinding healthy neighbouring teeth
Maybe you´re just in the situation or you can imagine, that you have a damaged tooth or you are in the risk of losing one or even more teeth. If you´d like to avoid „dentures“ you have the possibility to solve your problem with the dental implants. You don´t need to expect the difficulties and frustration of using prosthesis.
Dental implants are replacements of the roots actually operated directly into the jawbone. They have the shape of the root (screws) and are made of titanium or titanium alloys. For patients allergic to titanium can also be used zirconium implants. The implant is hidden in the jaw. The visible part – the body of the implant is created by prosthetic replacement.
During the consultation regarding your implants the dentist will explain you the procedure and show you how it looks by radiographic simulation.
Also in the case you don´t have enough bone to anchor the implant needed, it´s not always necessary to retreat from implant treatment. In some cases we are able by using managed bone regeneration re-establish the missing bones in needed extent.
Augmentation - guided bone regeneration
It is the location of the special material (the augmentation material) in places, where is the need to broaden and strengthen the original bone. The augmentation material covered with the membrane is put to this place by a small surgery. The created space is on one side bordered with own bone and with the membrane on the other side and it´s filled with augmentation material (artificial bone). During the healing (for several months) bone cells will spill into the augmentation material and so is the bone tissue gradually created.
The condition for long-term function of the implants is the HYGIENE
A proper and regular hygiene is as well as important for healthy teeth and for the long-term maintenance of implants is the hygiene absolutely necessary.
Gums bearing branches screw implant, but they don´t create full-blown insertion like in the original teeth. We have to replace these shortcomings by the home care and oral hygiene. The cleaning process should follow the instructions your dentist and dental hygienist using dental aids such as toothbrushes, interdental brushes, superflos (special dental floss), a single toothbrush oral spray. A long service life of implants and prostheses fitted them is completely dependent on the quality of home care.
Check ups
An implant is only replacement of natural teeth. Therefore it needs much more attention. Regular check-ups at your dentist and professional dental hygiene after such surgery are absolutely necessary.
Zubná prax MUDr. Zemana
Dentist MUDr. Vladimír Zeman
- Blumentálska 4, 811 07 Bratislava
- Office hours: Mo-Fri 8:30 - 17:00
- Telephone/Fax: +421 2 55 57 50 23
- Mobile: +421 911 27 48 72
Zubná prax Dr. Zemana