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Healthy teeth
Prevention and products for dental care
Surely you don´t want to sit more on dental chair than is necessary. Therefore we prepared for you the offer of recommended products for the effective oral prevention (dental floss, toothbrushes, mouthwash, toothpastes...) So we save your time, experiences and money. Ask at our reception desk, we´d love to advise and help you.
Zubná prax MUDr. Zemana
Dentist MUDr. Vladimír Zeman
- Blumentálska 4, 811 07 Bratislava
- Office hours: Mo-Fri 8:30 - 17:00
- Telephone/Fax: +421 2 55 57 50 23
- Mobile: +421 911 27 48 72
Zubná prax Dr. Zemana